About Us
About Us
Established in 2008, Luke’s Landscaping Co. is a full service Landscaping Company that can design, construct and maintain your dream garden or outdoor area.
We have high quality electrical, plumbing and bore contractors which means we can install new bores, replace and fix existing bores, replace hard wired controllers, install new cut-ins, repair old ones and do whatever is required to make the job work.
We can lay your new lawn, improve your soil-plant mulch and much more. We love our clients and stand behind our work and at the end of the day want you to have a place you love being in when it comes to the spaces outside your home, in your garden or outdoor areas.

These are Our Services

- Design new and existing properties
- Professional Qualified Designers
- Site Consultations
- Planting plans
- Full Construction of Designs

- Design new and existing properties
- Garden edging & Mulching
- Paving and limestone work
- Installing garden lighting
- Lawn installation
- Soil preparation

- Roll on lawns
- Top dress lawns
- Artificial/Synthetic lawns
- Large Range of Lawn varieties
- Fertilizing new and existing lawns
- Ongoing lawn maintenance
Contact Us For A Quote
If you are looking for servicing of your system, new installation, you want your garden redesigned, need a quote, whatever you require. We want to help you out with all your irrigation and landscaping needs. Contact the team at Luke’s Landscaping for a friendly, no stress landscaping consultation or quote on your requirements.